Friday, July 23, 2010

No Shunt for Me!!!

Two days ago me, Mommy and Grandma went to Little Rock again. We had to leave the house at 5:00 am but thankfully Mommy didn't wake me up till right when we had to leave. She put me in the car seat and off we went. I slept until Russellville and then we all stopped for breakfast and a diaper change. The appointment with Dr. O'Brien, my neurosurgeon was at 9:45. That was so early!! We made it with a few minutes to spare. I was 26 inches long and almost 17 pounds. I was actually over 17 pounds but they weighed me with my clothes on and really wet diaper so it wasn't my true weight. I'm a big boy, but not that big yet. The appointment was fast, a quick check of my fontanel and head measurement (which I do not particularly like, but I decided to sit still this time.) My head is on the big side but is following the growth curve still!!! Praise Jesus!! So the doc said I could come back in two months for another recheck and no shunt still!!! Yay! Now for a few pics of me from all the photo shoots Mommy makes me endure.

Maybe I'll roll over today??? Nah!

Doesn't it go in this way?

That was some yummy apples Mommy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda! So nice to meet you! :) You're Grant is PRECIOUS! I know Jet used to be that tiny but can't believe how quickly they grow up! I look forward to following your journey - it is always such an amazing blessing to meet new friends along the way - and seeing what wonderful things little Grant is headed for! :) Thank you for finding us. Much love - Joanna
