Two days ago me, Mommy and Grandma went to Little Rock again. We had to leave the house at 5:00 am but thankfully Mommy didn't wake me up till right when we had to leave. She put me in the car seat and off we went. I slept until Russellville and then we all stopped for breakfast and a diaper change. The appointment with Dr. O'Brien, my neurosurgeon was at 9:45. That was so early!! We made it with a few minutes to spare. I was 26 inches long and almost 17 pounds. I was actually over 17 pounds but they weighed me with my clothes on and really wet diaper so it wasn't my true weight. I'm a big boy, but not that big yet. The appointment was fast, a quick check of my fontanel and head measurement (which I do not particularly like, but I decided to sit still this time.) My head is on the big side but is following the growth curve still!!! Praise Jesus!! So the doc said I could come back in two months for another recheck and no shunt still!!! Yay! Now for a few pics of me from all the photo shoots Mommy makes me endure.
Maybe I'll roll over today??? Nah!